There are lucid dreaming seasons

Brian Gilan
1 min readOct 25, 2022


There are seasons — in life, in sports, and in lucid dreaming.

There are fertile seasons when lucid dreams bloom in bunches. There are droughts when lucid dream opportunities dry up.

When I began lucid dreaming in 2014, I was immediately obsessed. My first lucid dreams were profound and left me wanting more. I read books on lucid dreaming techniques that helped me have more lucid dreams. This became a natural feedback loop, resulting in many lucid dreams over the following 1–2 years.

After having a child, the seasons shifted. A drought swept in as I optimized whatever sleep opportunities my baby allowed. This was not the time to keep a detailed dream journal or use any induction methods that might further fragment my sleep.

Many situations lead to feast or famine in our lucid dreaming lives. If your lucid dreaming life has dried up, pause knowing you can come back. This might be the recharge you need before the next season.

There are seasons. What season are you dreaming in right now?



Brian Gilan

Proactive healthcare; lucid dreaming tech; upgrading health/intelligence/consciousness & exploring the frontiers of reality